PTE Speaking – Read Aloud Strategies

Tips for Read Aloud:

  • We get around 4-5 questions in this section.
  • Fluency, pronunciation and content are analyzed during speaking so speak without any hesitancy.
  • Be clear and confident. Speak with enthusiasm.
  • Speak at a pace that is comfortable for you and try to sound as natural as possible. I feel if you try to impose a speed that is not comfortable to you, it may do more harm than good.
  • Search for difficult words and pronounce it clearly and loudly before it starts recording.
  • Fluctuation in the tone and stress for some words is important.
  • Watch for plural words, don’t pronounce them wrongly.
  • Use the given 35 seconds to read through the text and identify the difficult words with which you might struggle.
  • Pay attention to flow of the sentences. Take care of the commas (,) colon (:) semicolons (;) inverted commas (“—–“) and give an appropriate pause and stress as and when required.
  • While reading aloud, you should not speak in a flat tone. Just remember the way a radio Jockey or announcer speaks i.e. clearly and in a rhythm. The listener should feel that the information you are giving is interesting, and is able to understand easily. When there is a full stop, your voice should also fade away to make the listener feel that your sentence has ended.
  • Try to read the sentence like a news reader with some intonation and purpose.
  • Take care of inappropriate stress and incorrect pronunciation of some words.
  • Before it starts recording, read the entire sentence once.
  • Don’t speak too fast and too slow (record at an appropriate speed)
  • Also, do not speak loudly. Speak at a normal pitch. Firstly, when you speak loudly the computer cannot understand. Secondly it will disturb the other candidates and in return they would also speak loudly, which will disturb you.
  • Time for this section is more than sufficient.
  • Start speaking as soon as the recording bar appears or when you listen to the beep. If you do not speak for 3 seconds during the process, the computer will stop recording your voice.

Do not try to speak in foreign accent. Speak in a neutral accent i.e. in your natural way.

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