
PTE Online Coachinga

PTE-A Listening Module

Your listening skills are tested in this section. In addition to that, you will also have some integrated speaking and listening questions in another part.
What is it?
The main section of listening requires you to listen to the audio or video clips that begin automatically. The volume can be increased by moving the bar to the right side. Adjust the volume to your level of comfort. The audio clips are played Only once.

Section overview

Items Task Number of Items Prompt length Scoring Skills assessed
Summarize Spoken text Write down a summary of 50-70 words after listening to an audio clip. 2 – 3 60-90 seconds Partial Credit listening and writing
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers Multiple options are given on your screen and you need to choose more than one option based on the audio clip you hear. You need to select all the options that you think are true for the recording. 2 – 3 40-90 seconds Partial Credit ( For Each Correct Response. Point Deducted For Incorrcet Option Chosen ) listening
Fill in the blanks The audio clip played should be matched with the transcription written on the screen. You will need to fill in the blanks that the transcription has.You fill the blanks as you hear the audio. 2 – 3 30-60 seconds Partial Credit (Each Correct Word Spelled Correctly) listening and writing
Highlight correct summary After listening to the audio, you need to select the paragraph that perfectly summarizes the matter spoken in the recording. 2 – 3 30-90 seconds Correct / Incorrect listening and reading
Multiple choice, choose single answer After listening to a recording, answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording by selecting one response 2 – 3 30-60 seconds Correct / Incorrect listening
Select missing word The recording will be played with a missing word or words. From the given options, you need to select the missing part. 2 – 3 30-60 seconds Correct / Incorrect listening
Highlight incorrect words You need to select the word from the written transcript that is different from the speech in the audio clip. Left-clicking is used to highlight the word. 2 – 3 20-70 seconds Partial Credit (For Each Word. Points Deducted For Incorrect Options Chosen ) listening
Write from dictation Listen carefully to the sentence spoken. You need to write it in the box verbatim 3 – 4 3-5 seconds Partial Credit (For Each Word Spelled Correctly) listening and writing

Summarize spoken text

What is it?

You will hear a recording of some text. You need to type the summary for the same in 50-70 words.

How much time do you get?

60-90 seconds

How are you judged?

Your listening and writing skills


Writing down the keywords or phrases quickly help you summarize the text. You have cut, copy, and paste option in case you want to use.

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